Remote Learning
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Remote learning will be in place in case of restrictions requiring students to remain at home, as a result of an outbreak or individual students needing to self-isolate. This information aims to clarify for our students and their parents/carers the school’s approach to remote education. Remote learning maybe needed in other circumstances, where the school agrees to a period of absence for specific students who are able to work at home.
Teaching and learning
Lessons and assignments will be uploaded on MS Teams. These will include, live lesson delivery, pre-recorded lessons, presentations, and independent work through Kerboodle, EDI and other subject specific websites and platforms.
Pupils are expected to log in on time and attend lessons from 8.40 am to 3.00 pm.

How you can support your child’s online education
We rely on the support of parents and carers in ensuring that their child attends on time, completes the work and inform the school if there are any attendance, engagement, wellbeing or safeguarding concerns. Your can email student support on or speak to our DSLs, Ms Jihar and Mrs Bibi.
If your child is unable to attend an online lesson, please contact the school as soon as possible.
If your child does not have access to the internet or a computer, please contact the school office on or call us on 0121 773 7496. We will work with you to make alternative arrangements.
With increased screen time during remote education, we understand the importance of keeping children safe online and engaging in offline activities as well. We ask that parents talk to their children about the benefits and risks of the online world. Our newsletters and the ‘Wellbeing’ section of our website contain useful information on how to support your child’s wellbeing and keep them safe online.
Please click to view our Remote Learning Policy for more information and guidance.